Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Goal #1: COMPLETE!!

Hey Ya'll! Today is March 2, 2010, and yes that means that I officially signed up for the Y-Run class yesterday. Woo Hoo!!! I wouldn't call myself an over-achiever, but I diiiiid accomplish goal #1. Awesome, now on to the rest of the list, but first more about the class...

The class is at the Southlake YMCA in Crown Point, IN and had a really nice turnout for the class. There were probably 50 people that showed up and they had only planned on a max of 30 because they had to make more copies of the paperwork. We completed a self health questionaire, then went through the basics of the program. Our trainer is Misti who has been a certified running coach for beginner runners for 6 years. She also works for a company called Fleet Feet that will. custom fit you for shoes, and other running apparel. I will be visiting them this Thursday, which should be a really cool experience because I've never been fitted for shoes, even in all my years of nursing! So I'm excited to see how much better they feel.

We didnt have any assignments for this week, before we really start hard core next week, but Misti said that we could walk briskly for 30min each day. Yeah, I haven't done it yet because I'm currently sick, yeah yeah, no excuse... So we're off running on Monday!

The training schedule will start with running 1 min and walking 3min x 4. We will see how that works... So what am I doing this week? The plan is to walk at least 2 days for 30min. I've made some kick ass playlists for my Zune, and also purchased some running apparel from Tar-jay. Thursday I will be going to get some new shoes. Yippee!!!

Total spent on running so far: $60


1. Sign up March 1, 2010 6p for Y-Run Class (Have to start off on the right foot right?!) DONE!!!

2. Make it to class every Monday at 6pm, unless I am working.

3. Run at least 1 other day during the week.

4. Complete the Hub Run 5K, First or Last, just finish!

More to come!!!

Happy Running whether it's to the store, the fridge or to the Finish Line!!

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